Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Poetry Break - A Poem about School

Poetry Break with "The Best" by Kay Winters

Winters, Kay, and Martha Weston. 1996. Did You See What I Saw? Poems about School. New York: Penguin Books, USA, Inc.

Age Group: Elementary

Introduction: Call all of the children to a special story place in the room. Ask the children to think of a favorite book that they have read (or had read to them if they cannot yet read). Then, read the poem "The Best". Reread it so that the children can digest more of the poem and not just hear the words.

The Best

The best part
of the day
is when I hear
the teacher say,
"Sit by my chair
while I read."

We sprawl
on the rug.
It's like listening
to a hug,
while the story magic
pours over me.

Extension: ". . . it's like listening to a hug. . ." Talk about times when the students feel secure/safe (if there is a student(s) in the class from a dysfunctional home(s), this may be an eye-opener as to where the child feels safe). Then, ask children about their favorite books. They may not be able to remember the titles, but they should be able to describe at least one favorite scene from the book or remember a feeling that the book evokes. If the class is older, have the students write about the favorite book, such as a scene that stands out from the rest of the story.

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